Home & Well

Home and Well is a unique collaboration of organisations working together to support residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to return home as quickly and as easily as possible after a hospital stay and, importantly, ensure they have the comfortable home environment that will help them continue to recover rather than relapsing.

Due to Covid the service was moved on-line and ‘Home and Well Direct’ was established, enabling non-NHS organisations to make referrals into the project. We support vulnerable clients across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight offering a complete wrap around service.

Once a referral is made a specially trained will assist the client with:

  • Energy/water tariff advice
  • Priority Service Registration (PSR) – a service that will ensure the patients will receive additional support should they receive a power cut or water shortage
  • Income maximisation
  • Provide a complete wrap-around/signposting service – referring to community and other organisations for a range of social issues

The project combines all the elements of helping clients with fuel/water poverty and identifying PSR cases, whilst also providing a more holistic approach and signposting clients to services helping to tackle additional issues such as housing, employment and relationships.

Make A Referral


We would like to thank our partners for their continued support. Please click on their logos more information.

Case Study

Client was supported in full with their initial Attendance Allowance enquiry. H&W advised. A detailed email sent including Energy efficiency advice and PSR information for their reference. Further advised the client about Energy bills rebate and was confirmed that the client has already received a Council Tax rebate.

Carbon monoxide (CO) awareness shared – client does not have a CO alarm at home. Advisor completed the SGN referral form for a free CO alarm. Client confirmed that the CO alarm was received during a follow up call a week later. Advised the client a Safe & Well visit can be arranged if required.

Client was assisted with PSR registration. Advisor has received permission to communicate with SW and PW regarding client’s arrears and social tariff application. These are actioned and communicated with the Debt Advisers.

Client thanked the advisor for the follow up call and the comprehensive advice shared.


In March 2022 Home & Well along with our partners won the Customer Vulnerability Award at the (delayed) 2021 Utility Week Awards at Grosvenor House Hotel – a great celebration of partnership working.

Managing Director of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks stated…

“The ‘Home & Well’ initiative provides additional help to patients leaving hospital, developing a rounded, multi organisation, care package to support a healthy transition from the ward to more familiar surroundings. The scheme helps to ensure that customers who are returning home from hospital are able to stay well once back in their own surroundings. ‘Home & Well’ makes a huge difference to not only the physical wellbeing of such customers, but also in providing an element of reassurance which can help with the customer’s mental welfare…

The Social Return on Investment for ‘Home & Well’ is £22.15 for every £1.00 spent; making it one of the most successful partnerships from any utility UK-wide.”

Tim Cooling, Head of Strategy, Hampshire and IoW Integrated Care System, Hampshire Southampton and IoW CCG said…

“We are really pleased that Home and Well has won the Customer Vulnerability Award. It is a great example of partnership working and what can be achieved by coming together as an Integrated Care System (ICS). As an ICS we really do have the opportunity to support people to stay well and independent in their communities.”

Latest Report

For more information please contact Megan Burns on 07599 102246 or by email at mburns@citahants.org